Sunday, February 22, 2015

While traveling I met a caravan of other travelers some walked on foot rode on Mules,Donkeys,Horses and Camels.The pilgrims in the caravan were a very nice to group accompany they were very cheerful and excited about their pilgrimage to Mecca. The trip was an great opportunity for me to learn knowledge of religion and knowledge. My group and I made it to the port of the Algiers where camped outside the city walls to wait for more Pilgrims to join our caravan.

But on my journey to Mecca I fell ill for two months. Although my friend told me to stay put and relax I kept going because of the quote I made  "If god decrees my death,it shall be on the road with my face set towards the land of Hijaz" What this quote means that if god documents my death that it shall be known where I was heading and planning to go. For example most people die without people truly knowing where they wanted to go in life or the accomplishes they made before their death. Many people die without being acknowledged for their success and accomplishments they have made. In conclusion I didn't want to be known for nothing after I died I want people to know what I accomplished.

Works Cited
2012 Nick Bartel and ORIAS, U. C. Berkeley.

From 1333 to 1343 I stayed in Dehli because I was made a proposition with Sultan Muhummad ibn Tughluq who  gave me a position as a judge.Soon after I traveled through Central India and along the Malabar coast to the Maldives. My next trip was to go to Ceylon, then back to Maldives; Bengal,Assam, and Sumatra. Then I landed in China at the port of Zayton and probably reached Peking.

Returning in between Sumatra to Malabar in 1347, I took a ship to the Persian Gulf I then revisited Baghadad,Syria,Egypt,Mecca,and Alexandria, traveled by ship to Tunis, Sardina, and Algeria, and reached Fez by an overload route in 1349. After a visit to Moslem kingdom of Granada, I  made a final trip through the Sahara to the black Moslem Empire on the Niger, returning to Fez in 1354.

Works Cited
Dunn,Ross E., The adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the fourteenth century, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986; London: Croom Helm, 1986. Ibn Battuta, The Travels of Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1325-1354, Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Reprint, 1986, 1971  Timofeev, Igor, Ibn Battuta, Moskva: "Molodaia gvardiia", 1983

I traveled with a caravan from the Sultan Of Morocco from Marrakech to Sala,Menekes,Fez (the capital) and Sijilmasa. "Miknasa,the wonderful,the green,the many flowered, which has gardens and orchards surrounding it and is in a sea of plantations of olive trees in all directions." Sijilmasa was very nice and the town made excellent sweet dates, and it was very similar to Basra in Persia.

On Feburary 18,1352 I left to go to the south in a caravan of Sijilmsa merchants led by Abu Muhammed Yandakan al-Massafi. We reached Taghaza after 25 days on the road. There was not much to the village the houses were in poor condition and the roofs were made out of camel skin. Nobody lives in the village except for the slaves of Massafa who dig for salt and live for dates brought to them from Dar'a and Sijilmasa.

Works Cited
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa (Princeton, Nj & New York: Markus-Weiner Publishing,Inc., 1994), 27-75.

The next city we reached was Constantine where I met the city's governor, whom gave me money and a fine wooden cloak to replace my own that was torn into shreds.This wasn't the last offerings that I would receive from the Pious Muslims who were performing their religious duties. The gifts I received has given me great wealth but unfortunately I ended up losing it all because I did not spend my money wisely.I bought unnecessary things.  

My party traveled we went night and day with no breaks and time to relax because we all feared that the Arab rebels would come for us. Once again I fell ill,I was so ill to the point to where I had to be tied to my saddle so I wouldn't fall off of it. But we had to keep on going no matter how sick I would become.

Works Cited

Friday, February 20, 2015

My name is Ibn Battuta originally named Abu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Abdullah Al Lawati Al Tanji Ibn Battuta  I was born in Tangier,Morocco on February 25th 1304. I left Tangier on June 14th,1325 at the age of 21. I left Tangier,Morocco because I wanted to leave with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House (at Mecca) and the Tomb of the Prophet (at Medina) Before my journey to Mecca I was a Muslim Scholar and studied law.

I traveled by myself on my donkey and wasn't accompanied by  anyone which made my journey both easy and difficult, because I was put in very dangerous situations with no one to help me out. After getting to Morocco I arrived at Tlemcen a city known for their trading. From there I went on a to make a pilgrimage trail in a area with very few people living there.


Works Cited
2012 Nick Bartel and ORIAS , U. C. Berkeley.