Sunday, February 22, 2015

From 1333 to 1343 I stayed in Dehli because I was made a proposition with Sultan Muhummad ibn Tughluq who  gave me a position as a judge.Soon after I traveled through Central India and along the Malabar coast to the Maldives. My next trip was to go to Ceylon, then back to Maldives; Bengal,Assam, and Sumatra. Then I landed in China at the port of Zayton and probably reached Peking.

Returning in between Sumatra to Malabar in 1347, I took a ship to the Persian Gulf I then revisited Baghadad,Syria,Egypt,Mecca,and Alexandria, traveled by ship to Tunis, Sardina, and Algeria, and reached Fez by an overload route in 1349. After a visit to Moslem kingdom of Granada, I  made a final trip through the Sahara to the black Moslem Empire on the Niger, returning to Fez in 1354.

Works Cited
Dunn,Ross E., The adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the fourteenth century, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986; London: Croom Helm, 1986. Ibn Battuta, The Travels of Ibn Battuta, A.D. 1325-1354, Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Reprint, 1986, 1971  Timofeev, Igor, Ibn Battuta, Moskva: "Molodaia gvardiia", 1983

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