Friday, February 20, 2015

My name is Ibn Battuta originally named Abu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Abdullah Al Lawati Al Tanji Ibn Battuta  I was born in Tangier,Morocco on February 25th 1304. I left Tangier on June 14th,1325 at the age of 21. I left Tangier,Morocco because I wanted to leave with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House (at Mecca) and the Tomb of the Prophet (at Medina) Before my journey to Mecca I was a Muslim Scholar and studied law.

I traveled by myself on my donkey and wasn't accompanied by  anyone which made my journey both easy and difficult, because I was put in very dangerous situations with no one to help me out. After getting to Morocco I arrived at Tlemcen a city known for their trading. From there I went on a to make a pilgrimage trail in a area with very few people living there.


Works Cited
2012 Nick Bartel and ORIAS , U. C. Berkeley.

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