Sunday, February 22, 2015

While traveling I met a caravan of other travelers some walked on foot rode on Mules,Donkeys,Horses and Camels.The pilgrims in the caravan were a very nice to group accompany they were very cheerful and excited about their pilgrimage to Mecca. The trip was an great opportunity for me to learn knowledge of religion and knowledge. My group and I made it to the port of the Algiers where camped outside the city walls to wait for more Pilgrims to join our caravan.

But on my journey to Mecca I fell ill for two months. Although my friend told me to stay put and relax I kept going because of the quote I made  "If god decrees my death,it shall be on the road with my face set towards the land of Hijaz" What this quote means that if god documents my death that it shall be known where I was heading and planning to go. For example most people die without people truly knowing where they wanted to go in life or the accomplishes they made before their death. Many people die without being acknowledged for their success and accomplishments they have made. In conclusion I didn't want to be known for nothing after I died I want people to know what I accomplished.

Works Cited
2012 Nick Bartel and ORIAS, U. C. Berkeley.

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